Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tide Coldwater

I was recently given the opportinity to try Tide Coldwater detergent.
Now, how many times did YOUR mother tell you that only hot water cleans well?
Yup, so did mine!

You will be happy to know that Tide Coldwater is not your mother's detergent!
I have cleaned my clothes, my kids, AND my husband's yucky work clothes, in Tide Coldwater.
I am pleased to report that any and all stains were taken care of without an issue!

My linens are still white, and my colors are still bright!

Tide...you made me a happy again on laundry day! My hot water bill is not ginormous anymore!!

Sincerely yours,


Disclosure: I received a free product to sample and gift card from SheSpeaks/Tide